6 Şubat 2020 Perşembe

Who is the most powerful pokemon

Who is the most popwerful pokemon for you i think it is Arceus or Ultra Necrozma. Im between those two i mean Arceus is the god im ok with that but Ultra Necrozma can absorve Lunala and Solgaleo's light so if it will absorve all pokemons light energy it can fight with Arceus. In the fight if it will absorve Arceus's light it will be the most powerful pokemon i think.

But for doing all of that it should be really powerful. We are talking about defeating Arceus it is like impossible. We are talking about defeating the god. the most powerful being in the universe. We are talking about defeating the one created you. It really sounds impossible. But can't Arceus think that some pokemon can atack him. ı mean there can be a delete button. I don't know but it can be i think. There should be a prevention. Am i wrong? You should think that if they doublecross you. And if there is something like that it really is impossible to defeat Arceus.

Comment down below who is the most powerful for you.

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